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s1 43 My Birthday Party


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:2,000 ]

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

My Birthday Party!

It is Peppa's Birthday.

It is very early in the morning.

It's my birthday!

George! Wake up! It's my birthday!

I'm going to have a party!

And Daddy is doing
a magic show!

Quick, George! Let's wake
Mummy and Daddy up!

Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig
are still fast asleep.

Wake up, it's my birthday!
Wake up!

Oof! Eh?

What time is it?

It's very late.

It's five o'clock in the morning.

Yes! The whole day is going!

Ok, let's get your birthday started!


Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, and George

are giving Peppa her birthday present.

Happy birthday, Peppa!

What is it?

A doll's dress!
I can put it on Teddy!

Thank you, everyone!

You're welcome, Peppa.

I didn't know
Teddy was a girl teddy.

Oh, Daddy, of course
Teddy's a girl.

I love my new dress.
Thank you, everyone.

You're welcome, Teddy.
Don't get it dirty.

Do you know what's
happening next, Peppa?

Yes, my friends are coming
for my birthday party,

and Daddy is doing
a magic show!

No one will know
the magician is your daddy.

You will introduce me as,
''The Amazing Mysterio!''

''The Mazy Misty-O.''

Yes,''The Amazing Mysterio!''

Daddy's been practicing
his magic tricks all week!

My friends are here!


Here are Peppa's friends,

Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog,

Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony.

Hello, everyone!

Happy birthday, Peppa!

Come on, children!
The party is starting!


Daddy Pig is going
to do a magic show!

Peppa, remember what
you have to say,

''Ladies and gentlemen, introducing
the Amazing Mysterio!!''

Okay, Daddy!

Ladies and gentlemen.
Um. It's Magic Daddy!!!


For my first trick!

WoW! It's Teddy!

For my next trick, I need a
helper from the audience.

Me! Me! Me! Me!

I just need one!

Young lady, you put
your hand up first.

Can you tell the
audience your name?

Baaa! Suzy Sheep.

Okay, Suzy. Here are three balls.

A red one, a blue one
and a yellow one.


You have to secretly choose one

while my back is turned.


Have you chosen one?


Abracadabra! You chose... Yellow!


Er. Abracadabra!... Blue!


Abracadabra!... Red!

Yes! It is red!


Silly Magic Daddy,
you said all three colors!

Shush... Peppa! Don't tell anyone!

Would you like one more trick?

Yes, please!

Close your eyes! No looking!

Say the magic words,


Open your eyes!


Hurray! My banana birthday cake!!

Blow the candles out, Peppa.

Hurray! Happy birthday, Peppa!

Thank you, everyone!

This is my best birthday ever!

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

Daddy's Movie Camera!

Mr. Zebra, the postman, is

delivering a parcel
to Peppa's house.

Parcel for you, Mr. Pig!

Thank you, Mr. Zebra.

Look! I just got a parcel in the post!


hello [hə'ləʊ] n. 表示问候, 惊奇或唤起注意时的用语 int. 喂;哈罗 n. (Hello)人名;(法)埃洛 {zk gk :2238}

amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ] adj. 令人惊异的 v. 使吃惊(amaze的ing形式) {gk toefl ielts :2294}

cake [keɪk] n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总额 vt. 使结块 vi. 结成块状 n. (Cake)人名;(英)凯克;(塞)察凯 {zk gk cet4 ky :2309}

birthday [ˈbɜ:θdeɪ] n. 生日,诞辰;诞生的日子 {zk gk :2433}

eh [eɪ] int. 啊,嗯!(表示惊奇、疑问等) { :2460}

sheep [ʃi:p] n. 羊,绵羊;胆小鬼 {zk gk ielts :2697}

silly [ˈsɪli] n. 傻瓜 adj. 愚蠢的;不明事理的;没头脑的 n. (Silly)人名;(匈)希伊;(法)西利 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :2789}

dirty [ˈdɜ:ti] adj. 下流的,卑鄙的;肮脏的;恶劣的;暗淡的 vt. 弄脏 vi. 变脏 {zk gk :2869}

rabbit [ˈræbɪt] n. 兔子,野兔 vt. 让…见鬼去吧 vi. 猎兔 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3037}

asleep [əˈsli:p] adj. 睡着的;麻木的;长眠的 adv. 熟睡地;进入睡眠状态 {zk gk cet4 ky :3043}

tricks [trɪks] n. 技巧,诀窍;骗局(trick的复数形式) v. 欺骗(trick的第三人称单数形式) { :3068}

trick [trɪk] n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈 adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有决窍的 vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮 vi. 哄骗;戏弄 n. (Trick)人名;(英)特里克 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3068}

magic [ˈmædʒɪk] n. 巫术;魔法;戏法 adj. 不可思议的;有魔力的;魔术的 n. (Magic)人名;(英)马吉克 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3411}

candy [ˈkændi] n. 糖果(等于sweets);冰糖(等于sugar candy,rock candy);毒品 adj. 新潮的(服饰);甜言蜜语的 vt. 用糖煮;使结晶为砂糖;美化 vi. 糖煮;成为结晶 {zk gk cet4 ky :3446}

wow [waʊ] n. 极大的成功;一鸣惊人之举;魔兽世界(World of Warcraft);失真 int. (表示极大的惊奇或钦佩)哇,呀 { :3774}

candles [ˈkændlz] n. [轻] 蜡烛,烛台(candle复数形式) {ielts :3928}

banana [bəˈnɑ:nə] n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻 n. (Banana)人名;(葡、津)巴纳纳 {zk gk :4677}

parcel [ˈpɑ:sl] n. 包裹,小包 vt. 打包;捆扎 n. (Parcel)人名;(英)帕斯尔 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4933}

pony [ˈpəʊni] n. 矮种马;小型马 adj. 小型的;每日摘要的 vt. 付清 vi. 付清 {gre :5400}

goodbye [ˌgʊdˈbaɪ] int. 再见 放弃 告别 {zk :5578}

secretly ['si:krətlɪ] adv. 秘密地;背地里 { :6108}

Danny [,dæni] n. 手(尤用于与幼儿说话时);侦察用车 { :6223}

helper [ˈhelpə(r)] n. 助手,帮手 n. (Helper)人名;(德)黑尔珀 {toefl :6980}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

rebecca [ri'bekә] n. 丽贝卡(女子名,寓意迷人的美) { :7378}

magician [məˈdʒɪʃn] n. 魔术师,变戏法的人 {cet6 toefl :9416}

teddy ['tedɪ] n. 连衫衬裤;泰迪玩具熊 n. (Teddy)人名;(罗)特迪 { :10084}

postman [ˈpəʊstmən] n. 邮递员;邮差 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :11573}

zebra [ˈzebrə] n. [脊椎] 斑马 adj. 有斑纹的 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :13912}

pedro ['pi:drəʊ] n. 彼得牌戏(一种纸牌戏) { :16443}

shush [ʃʊʃ] n. 嘘声 vt. 使安静 int. 嘘(示意安静下来) vi. 发嘘声 { :24594}

suzy [ ] n. 苏西(女子名) { :25521}

ooo [ ] n. 已坏 { :26575}

hurray [hʊˈreɪ] n. 万岁呼声;狂热 n. (Hurray)人名;(匈)胡劳伊 vt. 向…欢呼(等于hurrah) int. 加油 vi. 欢呼 { :34628}

oof [u:f] n. 现钞;力量;羊传染性口疮 { :35731}

yippee [jɪˈpi:] int. 快乐等时叫起来的感叹词;好啊! { :37778}

abracadabra [ˌæbrəkəˈdæbrə] n. 咒语;胡言乱语 { :38256}

mazy ['meɪzɪ] adj. 迷宫般的;迷阵似的;错综的 { :43388}

baaa [ ] abbr. Belgian Airports and Airways Agency 比利时机场和航路管理署; British American Arts Association 大不列颠美洲艺术协会; British Association of Accountants and Auditors 英国会计师和审计师协会

whoooo [ ] [网络] 人是谁

a parcel [ ] [网络] 包裹;一份额;一包

a yellow [ ] [网络] 黄色

birthday cake [ˈbə:θdei keik] n. 生日蛋糕 [网络] 生日蛋糕图片;华诞蛋糕;水果忌廉蛋糕

birthday party [ˈbə:θdei ˈpɑ:ti] n. 生日聚会 [网络] 生日派对;生日宴会;生日会

birthday present [ ] n. 生日礼物;生日贺礼 [网络] 寿礼;十岁的生日礼物;祝寿的礼物

close your eyes [ ] [网络] 闭上你的眼睛;闭上双眼;闭上你的双眼

fast asleep [ ] adj. 熟睡 [网络] 睡得很熟;酣睡;熟睡的

happy birthday [ ] un. 生日快乐 [网络] 祝你生日快乐;生日快乐歌;爱恋永远是我给你的礼物

in the post [ ] [网络] 在投递中;邮递中;在邮局里

ladies and gentleman [ˈlediz ənd ˈdʒɛntlmən] [网络] 累堆子安的砖头们;女士;各位来宾

magic trick [ ] [网络] 魔术;魔术戏法;魔术技巧

magic tricks [ ] n. 魔术 [网络] 魔术技巧;魔术桌面;看魔术

magic word [ ] [网络] 魔术词;魔术字;魔力的词

magic words [ ] na. 咒语 [网络] 爱情密语;魔术字眼;魔语

movie camera [ˈmu:vi ˈkæmərə] un. 电影摄影机 [网络] 摄像机;电影开卖拉;弹簧式活动摄影机

the magic word [ ] [网络] 神奇的字句;神奇字句;魔词

the post [ ] [网络] 邮报;指他所申请的职位,工作;邮政

three color [ ] adj.三色的

wake up [weik ʌp] na. 同“wake”;叫醒;醒来;振作起来 [网络] 唤醒;起床;醒醒

Wake up! [ ] [口语]听着!注意!

Yes, please [ ] 接受并且感谢

you're welcome [ ] [网络] 不客气;别客气;不用谢

young lady [jʌŋ ˈleidi] na. 小姐 [网络] 女士;少女;少妇

happy birthday
it's my birthday
thank you
wake up

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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